May your hearts burn warm as gold. May sunshine be ever growing in your face and cheeks and eyes. May peace like a river swell in your heart as you hum and break into singing in your living room and in your car. May the stars speak love to you in the night and the sun shout it by day. May every frog and dog and bird you see bring messages of life from the Lover of all things. And may your days wax richer, your passion burn deeper, your hand hold tighter to the swinging hand of the Almighty Father of all things.
Forever you will live, those of you blessed to abide in His shadow. Forever you will rest and run for joy. No eye has seen the peace you will experience, no ear has heard the fitting things He plans toward us through time and space.
For now you wait on the racked and dying crust of a lonely planet. For a time you see with the eyes of pain and restlessness the blood and hear the tears that also ache the heart of God. But peace will come to you who rest in Jesus. He will gather His sheep in His arms and lead them home. The age of evil is breathing its last days. The sunrise of righteousness sweeps toward us. Let those in the night know the Sun is rushing over a turning world to the time of dawn.
And after the ashes of this earth are blown away a crisp, fresh world will rise like the scent of flowers on an April breeze. And prophetic words will cease in the knowing peace. And miracles will be no more for all things will be new. Rest your hearts in the darkness. Listen to the song of the nightingale for he sings of day. And light will rise on the righteous in the coming dawn. And all will see in the light the Son of Man, a sword in hand for evildoers. He will rise with healing in His wings. May your hearts burn warm as gold refined by fire.
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